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June’s record heat carries on to July

June’s record heat of 37.8°C has carried on to July with the average temperatures recorded on 22 out of a total of 31 days of the last month exceeding the climate norm of 26.6°C. Hours of sunshine also surpassed the climate norm.

Malta’s industrial production grows 1.9% in June

The seasonally-adjusted index of industrial production increased by 1.9% in June 2019, compared to the previous month of the same year. The working-day adjusted index of industrial production increased by a y.o.y. 1.7%.

Malta’s industrial prices grow by 1.5% in June

Malta’s Industrial Producer Price Index grew by 1.5% in June 2019, compared to the same month of 2018. The index registered an increase of 0.54% over May.

Malta’s retail price index grows to 1.9% in June

The annual rate of inflation as measured by the Retail Price Index (RPI) in Malta increased to 1.9% in June, up from 1.87% in May. In addition, the twelve-month moving average rate for June stood at a 1.62% rate, as the NSO figures show.

Malta’s consumer prices grow 1.8% in June

The annual rate of inflation as measured by the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) was 1.8% in June, up from 1.7% in May. The twelve-month moving average for June stood at a rate of 1.7%.

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