Three new diplomatic heads of mission presented their diplomatic credentials to President of Malta George Vella at San Anton Palace.
The Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Demitu Hambisa Bonsa, was the first to present her Letters of Credence to President George Vella. President Vella explained that Malta highly values Ethiopia as an important regional partner both for the positive and constructive role it plays in the Horn of Africa and as the seat of the African Union Head Quarters. The President added that through the opening of the Embassy of Malta in Addis Ababa, Malta will further enhance its commitment to increasing our engagement with Ethiopia on humanitarian issues.
Next to present his Letters of Credence was the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand, Attakarn Wongchanamas. President Vella and the ambassador discussed the areas in which cooperation can be deepened for the benefit of both countries, especially in the sectors of trade, tourism and in people to people exchanges. President Vella stated that relations could be further consolidated through the participation of both countries in important inter-regional fora such as ASEM, the EU-ASEAN framework and the Indo-Pacific Strategy launched by the European Union.
The third to present the Letters of Credence was the Ambassador of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Latsamy Keomany. The President said that while the Malta-Laotian contacts are relatively fresh due to the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2011, there is ample room for these to be further enhanced during the ambassador’s term. President Vella referred to the membership of both countries in important international cooperation frameworks such as ASEM and the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, adding that these platforms provide ideal opportunities for increased people-to-people contacts and interaction between politicians, businesses, and academics.
During a luncheon with the new heads of mission, President George Vella encouraged them to explore further the many possibilities that Malta has to offer. The President stated that Malta is a keen supporter of multilateralism because a multilateral approach to global issues and crises is beneficial to all actors involved.