Total inbound visitors for December 2020 were estimated at 12,940, a decrease of 91.1% when compared to the corresponding month in 2019.
During the month under review, a total of 8,525 inbound tourist trips were undertaken for holiday purposes, while a further 2,740 were made for business purposes. Most inbound tourists were aged between 25 and 44 years (46.6%), followed by those within the 45-64 age bracket (25.4%). Italian residents comprised 26.4% of total inbound tourists.
Total nights spent went down by 77.2% when compared to December 2019, totalling to 228,180 nights.
The largest share of guest nights (51.6%) was spent in non-rented accommodation establishments. A general increase in the average length of stay was recorded, especially among tourists staying in other rented and non-rented accommodation.
Total tourist expenditure was estimated at €13.2 million, a decrease of 86.6% over the corresponding month in 2019.
January-December 2020
In 2020, inbound tourist trips totalled to 658,567, a decrease of 76.1% over the same period in 2019. Total nights spent by inbound tourists decreased by 73.0%, surpassing 5.2 million nights.
Total tourism expenditure was estimated at €455.1 million, a decrease of 79.5% when compared to the previous year. Total expenditure per capita stood at €691, a decrease of 14.4% when compared to 2019.