Malta based law firm WH Partners is pleased to announce that Anton Vella Laurenti has joined its tax advisory team. With over 30 years of experience, he will provide both local and international tax advice to the firm’s clients.
Before retiring in 2019, Anton was the International Taxation Director at the Office of the Commissioner for Revenue. Following retirement, he was appointed as advisor to the Corporate and International Taxation Unit.
Ramona Azzopardi, Partner and head of WH Partners’ Tax and Private Client advisory practices commented: “I am delighted to welcome Anton to our tax team. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge, experience and judgement which is absolutely critical to our field. He will further enhance our capability to provide insightful tax advice to our clients”. James Scicluna, Managing Partner at WH Partners remarked: “We are very pleased that Anton is joining our tax team, ably headed by Ramona. She has built a capable, strong, and hardworking team, now being strengthened further with Anton’s addition.”
Vella Laurenti added:“I am excited to be joining WH Partners and I look forward to working closely with my new colleagues”.
At WH Partners, Anton will advise on direct tax matters.
Vella Laurenti joined the Inland Revenue Department in 1988 and has been active in international taxation since 1993, when the International Tax Unit was set up. He attended the EU Council, Code of Conduct and High-Level Working Party meetings on direct tax and chaired EU Council meetings when Malta held the EU Council Presidency in 2017. He was also Malta’s delegate to the OECD Working Party meetings on Tax Conventions and Related Questions and participated in the Forum on Harmful Tax Practices and OECD meetings on BEPS Action 1 – Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy.
Vella Laurenti formed part of the assessment team which reviewed the legal framework of several jurisdictions under the auspices of the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. He was also part of Malta’s team negotiating double tax treaties.
Vella Laurenti is a certified public accountant as well as a fellow of the Malta Institute of Accountants.