5,549 people have benefited from Transport Malta Grants so far in 2023, a statement by the authority said.
“€23.2m of the €28.4m allocated have already been used.”
“Such initiatives aimed at improving the transport system in our country are being well received by the public. In 2022, Transport Malta invested more than €27.5m in incentives for better transport and this is clearly showing the government’s commitment to promote alternative options for sustainable transport. Initiatives like these encourage the public to invest more in electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles and this leads to a reduction in emissions,” it said.
It said that by the end of August, there were a total of 7,362 electric vehicles and 3,738 plug-in hybrid vehicles.
“It is worth noting that this year the government has further bolstered its commitment to sustainable mobility by increasing the investment to €28.4m. This increase, consisting of €15m from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) and €13.4m from national funds, reflects a resounding dedication to fostering a cleaner and more efficient transport infrastructure for the benefit of all citizens.”
“Transport Malta applauds these efforts and looks forward to continued progress in the quest for a greener and more sustainable transportation future.”
Grant scheme, including the Scrappage scheme, for the purchase of New Category L Petrol Motorcycles for Persons, Voluntary Organisations and Undertakings
It said that during this year, the allocation of the grant for new motorcycles was €1.3m and Transport Malta managed, with the help of the Ministry of Finance, to obtain another €2.9m, so there was a total available of €4.2m for 2023. “The allocation was exhausted in full and a total of 1,647 customers were eligible for the scheme.”
Grant Scheme, including the Scrappage Scheme, for the purchase of new electric vehicles in Category L, M and N and Pedelecs, for Persons, Voluntary Organisations and Undertakings
“Malta has managed to acquire EU funds under the Maltese recovery and resilience plan (RRP) as a contribution to address challenges related to the steep increase in energy consumption and waste generation resulting from a rapid population growth, employment and GDP growth in recent years. These funds, amounting to €50.3m, were meant to be spread over three years, whereby €15m were allocated in 2022, a further €15m will be allocated during 2023 and the last €20.3m by the end of 2024. Transport Malta has asked the EU to extend the spillover of the €50.3m between 2022 until the end of 2025 and this was accepted. This means that the grant in the form of a financial incentive will be available even in 2025 using EU RRP funds. These grants are a demonstration of an environmentally-friendly government and a commitment to continue making a difference in order to achieve our main goal of working diligently on the subject of alternative transport.”
Other schemes
The New Ice Cars including the Scrapping scheme saw €300,000 allocated for 2023, of which €298,097.26 has been taken up.
The Plug-In Hybrid/Used Electric Vehicles scheme saw an allocation of €8,670,000, of which €8,664,500 has been taken up.
The LPG/Autogas scheme saw €60,000 allocated, but €109,800 was taken up.