In October 2022, registered full-time employment increased by 7.4% while part-time employment as a primary job increased by 3.9% when compared to October 2021, the NSO said on Thursday.
Registered Employment: October 2022
Administrative data provided by Jobsplus show that, over a period of one year, the labour supply (excluding part-timers) increased by 7.3%, reaching 259,941. This was mainly attributed to a year-on-year increase in the full-time registered employment (17,854) and a decrease in registered unemployment (270).
Registered full-time employment
During October 2022, administrative and support service activities and accommodation and food services activities contributed mostly to the increase in employment, when compared to October 2021. Registered full-time employment in the private sector went up by 17,939 persons to 207,524. Public sector full-time employment decreased by 85 persons to 51,433.
The number of persons registered as full-time self-employed rose by 586 when compared to October 2021, while the number of persons registered as employees increased by 17,268. Full-time employment for males and females went up by 7.8% and 6.9% respectively over 2021 levels.
Registered part-time employment
Registered part-time employment in October 2022 increased by 7.3% when compared to the corresponding month in 2021. The sectors that contributed to the overall increase were professional, scientific and technical activities followed by transportation and storage sector. The number of part-timers who also held a full-time job amounted to 38,558 up by 10.5%, when compared to the corresponding month in 2021. Employed persons whose part-time job was their primary occupation totalled 33,320, up by 3.9%, when compared to the same month in 2021.