The government has signed a promise of sale agreement to purchase the site of Hamrun’s San Gaetano AD 1906 band club for the sum of €2.8 million.
The Cultural Heritage Ministry said that it entered into the promise of sale agreement with the owners of the site in order to protect the band club from imminent eviction. “The club was at risk due to a legal situation tied to the pre-1995 rent lawsm” the ministry said.
Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said that the work being undertaken to save band clubs at risk of eviction is important in light of the Maltese Festa being recognized as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.
The minister said that through the promise of sale, the government again listened and discussed, reaching a solution that is just with the owners and the musical society. He said that when the final contract is signed, the site of the club will be managed by a specialised section within Arts Council Malta, like others within its portfolio.
The ministry said that in total, there are five sites of musical societies purchased by the government, with seven others including the San Gaetano AD 1906 Band Club at promise of sales stage. When all are acquired, a total of €19 million would have been spent.