Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors sponsors the Chamber of Engineers

Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited (JMFA) has entered into a sponsorship agreement with the Chamber of Engineers (COE) and has participated in the 27th Annual Engineering Conference, themed ‘Engineers Making a Difference in Challenging Times’, which was held on the 14th November 2020.

The Chamber of Engineers was founded on the 28th April 1978 and offers unique opportunities to its members, through its dynamic approach and ongoing initiatives. The Chamber seeks to be the voice of the Engineer and also to enhance the co-operation between Engineers and other professional bodies, for the benefit of society as a whole.

During the conference, Mr. Jesmond Mizzi, Managing Director of JMFA gave a presentation on ‘Sustainable Investing’. He highlighted the rising importance of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) and the global drive, particularly from the younger generation, towards responsible investing. The aspect of ESG integration has become crucial for survival, even in the investment world. Local companies are becoming increasingly aware of this and have entered the bond market with investments that are environmentally friendly. On an international level millions of money is going into diversified funds which have a theme of sustainability. Mr. Mizzi added that the performance of most of these funds have outperformed those that do not have a theme on sustainability.

The COE thanked Mr. Mizzi for the valuable contribution during the conference and for the financial support to enable it to continue to provide educational, social and advisory services to its members and the engineering community. This will also help the COE to actively participate in local and international discussion groups. Dr Ing. Daniel Micallef, COE president said ‘The Chamber is honoured to have JMFA support our initiatives to engage with professionals and with the general public. The COE’s role as the representative organisation of the profession has been further strengthened.’

Jesmond Mizzi said ‘We are pleased to be associated with the Chamber of Engineers which represents a highly respected and very important profession, providing solutions to practically all sectors and industries.  JMFA looks forward to continue its collaboration with the COE to help it grow and work towards a sustainable economy, also by providing personal advice, wealth management and corporate services to its members.’

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