Malta International Airport serves 379,000 passengers in February

Malta International Airport achieved further encouraging results for the winter season, with last February’s traffic almost doubling over the same month in 2022 to total 379,073 passenger movements.

In a statement, MIA said that despite being a short 28-day month, February’s traffic was only 262 passenger movements below the traffic handled by Malta International Airport during the previous month.

“February traffic peaked on the eighteenth day at 17,531 passenger movements as Carnival celebrations and the school mid-term holidays were in full swing. During Carnival weekend, an average seat load factor (SLF) of 88% was registered. On the other hand, the month’s average SLF stood at 82.6%, marking an increase of 6.8% over the seat occupancy registered by Malta International Airport in February 2019.”

February saw Italy, the United Kingdom and France retain the positions they had in January, while the German market moved up a place to rank fourth and Poland came in fifth, MIA said.

“Meanwhile Airports Council International issued January traffic results earlier this week. The airport organisation observed that, in January 2023, European traffic had come the closest to making a full recovery since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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