The industrial producer price index registered an increase of 1.75% in July 2019 when compared to the same month of the previous year, according to the latest figures issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO). However, the producer price index for total industry dropped by 0.47% over the previous month of the same year.
The year-on-year growth was due to a rise of 2.68% in intermediate goods, 1.95% in capital goods and 1.43% in consumer goods. No price changes were registered in the energy sector.
Industrial producer prices for the domestic market went up by 0.98%. Price rises were recorded in capital goods (2.97%), consumer goods (1.51%) and intermediate goods (1.14%). No price changes took place in the energy sector.
Non-domestic prices increased by 2.28% due to a rise of 2.71% within the non-euro area and 1.49% within the euro area.
In a month-on-month comparison, the producer price index decrease was due to a drop of 1.13% in intermediate goods while no changes were registered in the other sectors.
Prices within the domestic market dropped by 0.20% due to a decrease of 0.88% in the intermediate goods sector.
Non-domestic prices declined also by 0.64% due to a drop of 0.82% within the non-euro area and 0.29% within the euro area.
The full and complete report with charts and tables is available for download at the website of NSO.