Malta’s industrial producer prices grow 2.03% in March

(source: Unsplash/Pete Wright)

Malta’s industrial producer price index grew by 2.03% in March, as compared to the same month a year earlier, according to figures published by the National Statistics Office (NSO).

The rise was chiefly fuelled by growths in intermediate goods (3.84%), in consumer goods (1.65%) and in capital goods (0.15%). NSO figures reported no price changes registered in the energy sector.

Industrial producer prices for the domestic market were up by 1.13%, mainly boosted by a 3.4% growth in intermediate goods and 1.19% increase in consumer goods, while no price changes were recorded in the energy and capital goods sectors, according to NSO figures.

Non-domestic prices were up by 2.65%, due to a 3.55% rise within the non-euro area and 0.93% growth within the euro area.

As compared to February, the producer price index for total industry saw a rise of 1.74%, boosted by a price increase of 3.78% within intermediate goods and 0.70% in the
consumer goods sector, with no changes in the energy and capital goods sectors.

The full report including charts and visual representation of data is available for download at the website of NSO.

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