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Melita names new Head of Customer Experience

Graziella Costa has been named the new Head of Customer Experience at Melita Ltd to help the telco improve its recognition among existing and potential customers. Ms Costa is transferring internally from her Head of Projects position.

‘Bats & Bots’ workshop to promote STEM for children

NGO MissInTech will hold its “Bats & Bots” Halloween-themed workshop for girls and boys aged between six and 13 to promote science,...

Cheaper bundle packages lift telco subscriber numbers in Malta

The number of customers opting for bundle packages of telecommunications service providers grew in the second half of 2018 due to better...

GO Business caters for all your corporate communication needs

As seamless communication is the most crucial aspect of conducting business efficiently, at GO Business we offer a wide range of services to help companies grow while keeping them happy at the same time. Integrated telecommunications company Go’s business arm works hard to cater for the needs of the smallest startups, as well as the biggest corporations with operations spanning many countries.

GO ‘quickly recovers’ from DDoS causing brief technical hiccups

GO "quickly recovers" from a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that has caused brief technical hiccups on its fixed and mobile broadband services earlier today.

GO to invest €100m in Malta’s digital infrastructure

Malta-based telco GO launches an investment programme of €100m aimed at improving the island country’s digital infrastructure. GO promises to stay “committed” to Malta’s technology vision.

Telco subscriber numbers grow in H1 2018

Maltese telco users move towards mobile phones as landlines and television consumption declines in H1 2018.

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