Malta had the lowest amount of Green House Gas emissions per person employed in the EU in 2020, information issued by Eurostat reveals.
Since 2010, the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) per person employed has been on a continuous decline in the EU as a whole, which is due to a combination of decreasing GHG emissions and increasing employment numbers, Eurostat said.
“In 2020, every employed person in the EU produced 13.6 tonnes of GHG emissions, the lowest value on record and 4.4 tonnes less than in 2010.”
The greenhouse gas emissions intensity of employment measures the greenhouse gases emitted by the entire national economy per person employed. It gives an indication of the potential social impact of the green transition, Eurostat said.
Among the EU Member States, Denmark (24.7 tonnes of GHG per person employed), Ireland (23.2 t GHG per person employed) and Poland (20.9 t GHG) emitted the highest number of GHG per employed person in 2020.
In contrast, Sweden (8.1 t GHG per person employed) and Malta (7.2 t GHG per person employed) emitted the least.
In 2010, Malta saw 18.6 t GHG per person employed.