Malta, Qatar agree to explore joint action to increase cooperation between the two countries

Last Updated on Monday, 20 December, 2021 at 10:33 am by Andre Camilleri

Malta and Qatar have agreed to explore joint action to increase cooperation between the two countries in the fields of energy, pharmaceuticals, finance, sports medicine, community sports facilities and sports academies. The two countries also agreed that it is in the interest of small states to cooperate on a political and economic level to further promote the interests of their citizens.

Qatar Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Thani welcomed Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo in Qatar’s capital city, Doha.

Minister Bartolo and Deputy Prime Minister Al-Thani agreed that Qatar could share Malta’s experience in furthering Qatar’s relations with European countries.

Minister Bartolo and Deputy Prime Minister Al-Thani said that the world must learn from the mistakes made in Afghanistan and that all Afghan sides are to be present on the negotiating table to seek a peaceful solution. Furthermore, it was also said that it is in everyone’s interest not to allow Libya to become another Afghanistan, and that Libyans be helped by the international community to lead themselves in the full interest of the Libyan people.

Minister Bartolo was accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima who visited educational and sports academic facilities in the country with the aim of increasing cooperation in the field of sports between the two countries. Minister Evarist Bartolo and Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima met with Qatar Minister for Sport and Youth Salah Bin Ghanim Al Ali. Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima said the two countries can learn from each other’s practices and discussed ways that can improve the sports sector in Malta through administrative collaboration.

Minister Evarist Bartolo also attended the Qatar National Day celebrations held in Doha.

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