MCAST held a presentation event to reward the first 30 students who applied and were accepted to follow courses at the College during the 2020/21 intake. MCAST Principal and CEO Professor Joachim James Calleja, hosted the students and personally thanked them for the trust they have shown toward the College.
During the event students were handed a certificate of appreciation by Principal Joachim James Calleja and Registrar Maria Pace. The students applied for different courses within diverse levels, spanning across all six MCAST Institutes.

During the event, students expressed their satisfaction with the opportunity they have been given by MCAST to learn industry-relevant skills during their educational journey through the College’s apprenticeship programme. Many cited this opportunity as a deal maker in their future quests to become recognized industry professionals. On his part, the Principal stressed, “the importance of students experiencing the world of work during their studies, because it is a fundamental ingredient in giving them a competitive edge in the industry.”

Moreover, many students argued that the student-friendly educative approach, variety of study choices and modes of learning offered at MCAST is encouraging them to further their educational studies in the future. “As emphasized in the Strategic Plan, we are focused on providing quality courses, aimed at helping our students reach their highest potential. We embrace a student-first approach at MCAST”, stated Professor Calleja.
The College underlines the importance of working closely with students, giving them agency and empowering them to be the best versions of themselves both academically and professionally.