Insaħħu lill-Ħaddiem: New agreement between Arts Council Malta and Malta Enterprise aims at better driving economic growth in the cultural and creative industries
The Memorandum of Understanding signed between Arts Council Malta (ACM) and Malta Enterprise seeks to formalise the longstanding relationship between the two entities for the benefit of the cultural and creative industries in Malta and Gozo.
Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera and Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development Miriam Dalli presided over the signing ceremony as part of the government’s initiatives to mark this year’s Worker’s Day. This agreement builds on the government’s commitment to continue investing in workers whilst safeguarding enterprises by creating new opportunities for growth in sectors like the cultural and creative industries.
The agreement identifies joint strategic goals intended to increase participation in the cultural and creative industries by fostering better collaboration for further professionalisation whilst supporting the development of the industry. Ultimately, this would instil stronger business acumen amongst artists and creative entrepreneurs.

Minister José Herrera said; “It is of utmost importance for artists and creatives to be able to better understand the world of business for the development of their career and the creation of new, sustainable enterprises. Initiatives like this can help the sector acquire the necessary tools needed for the creation of new creative enterprises whilst facilitating the development of new networks between sectors like culture and enterprise.”

Minister Miriam Dalli said; “We want to support the cultural and creative industries as key players in our economy. Through this agreement, we are committing to helping artists and creatives with the knowledge and support on how to kindle their entrepreneurial spirit. This pandemic has not been easy on our artists and, as Malta Enterprise, we have sought to assist, including through the wage supplement, but we also want to support this industry to expand further.”
The MoU was officiated by Mr Kurt Farrugia, CEO of Malta Enterprise and Mr Albert Marshall, Executive Chair of Arts Council Malta.
“It is crucial for Arts Council Malta to foster new partnerships to drive new growth in the cultural and creative sector. Efforts for professionalisation and the creation of business acumen should be channelled through such collaborations for the benefit of artists and creatives,” Mr Marshall said.
On behalf of Malta Enterprise, Mr Farrugia said; “Malta Enterprise recognises the artistic sector as a strong entrepreneurial pillar which, when combined with tech, can be very innovative as well as resilient. This is what brings us together through this agreement, as we continue to support this sector not only through the Wage Supplement, but also through other ways of assistance such as guidance, mentorships and other schemes, in particular for start-ups”.
Through four strategic goals, the agreement seeks to strengthen the collaboration between the cultural and creative industries and the world of enterprise. ACM and ME will assist artists and creatives through (i) training and continuous professional development, (ii) the facilitation of networks that harness meaningful connections, (iii) the sharing of knowledge that further supports growth within the cultural and creative sector and (iv) the development of policies.