Following the laying of the Foundation Stone of the new Msida Primary School by the Minister for Education and Employment, Owen Bonnici, on the 14 October, the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools published the artistic impressions of how the school will look like when completed.

This project involves the demolition of the existing school and the construction of a completely new school on the same site. The Planning Authority has decided to keep part of the façade of the old school and incorporate it as a design in the new building. The new school will have about 40 classes – 26 normal classes and a number of other classes for specific subjects such as personal and social development, arts, music, science, literacy, and ethics. The school will also have a childcare center, a public library and a hall that will accommodate about 300 people. The public library, the hall and even an amount of recreational space will be able to be used by the local community after school hours. The size of the entire school, including recreational areas, will be 10,000 square meters.

As part of this project the Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools will also be building a new complex for the Msida Sea Scouts, with an area of more than 500 square meters on the outside and inside.
Below the school there will be a car park on two levels which will take over 100 cars.

The new school will have two innovative features for schools in our country. In this school the concept of ‘outdoor classroom environment’ will be introduced where there will be an outdoor space where teachers will be able to do certain outdoor lessons. In this space there will be special furniture where children can sit in a round circle. This space will be roofed with a tent and will be surrounded by trees, plants and flowers. Another innovative concept is the creation of a ‘green wall’ on one of the school’s facades. This facade will be lined with a vertical garden. This idea will also be extended to the yards of the same school.
This project is being done with an investment of approximately €10 million.