Air Malta confirms its full commitment towards its customers and reiterates its promise to honour all requested refunds and process any of the three voucher options selected by customers that can be used on future flights.
The closure of most airports, with the consequential sudden stop of most of revenue from ticket sales, was not a scenario the aviation industry in general ever envisaged. Air Malta, like many other airlines, is offering several refund options to ensure the sustainability of all the stakeholders in the travel distribution chain and facilitate the requests of customers.
Air Malta said that, to date, following the sudden closure of airports, the Airline cancelled over 5,000 flights, disrupting travel plans of over half a million passengers, and possibly many more to come as the Airline restructures its network going forward. To date, the Airline received over 40,000 requests for refund, rebooking or applications for one of the voucher options offered to its customers. As time passes and the network takes shape, many new requests are expected.
“It is indeed an unprecedented situation and the Airline has mobilised a large number of additional resources from across the Company to process these requests. Air Malta understands the concerns of the customers with delays in getting replies, however, unfortunately, it’s difficult to reply in a timely manner. For transparency and to set the right expectations, the Airline has, however, committed to clear the backlog of requests by the end of October. Although it is taking longer than it normally would, the Airline remains committed to honour each request”, said the Airline.
Air Malta thanks its customers for their patience, understanding and continuous support during these difficult times, however, also hopes that the new flight schedule commencing on the 1st of July will offer more people the opportunity to fly.