The ERA Board approved a proposal for the construction of a new Waste to Energy facility, with access roads and ancillary facilities, which will utilise household and commercial waste to recover energy that will generate electricity and feed into the national grid whilst dramatically reducing waste that cannot be effectively recycled and would otherwise be landfilled.
In 2018, ERA had requested an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in accordance with Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (S.L.549.46) and an Appropriate Assessment (AA) in accordance with the Flora, Fauna and Natural Habitats Regulations (S.L. 549.44) in view of its location within Natura 2000 sites.
The EIA Report on which the Authority based its assessment was submitted to ERA on 23rd April 2021. ERA’s assessment considered the conclusions of the EIA Report, as well as the comments received from the public following a 30-day public consultation.
In light of the findings and noting that the proposal is an important infrastructural component for national management of residual waste that cannot be effectively recycled and would otherwise be landfilled, the ERA Board voted in favour subject of the development consent mechanism and mitigated by means of conditions and specifications of the development permit.
During the same sitting, the ERA Board was presented with an application for the uprooting of trees at Ta’ Qali for the project of a new concert area.
The Authority noted that the works on site had already commenced by the time of the determination of the application and fined the applicant €100,000 for the undertaking of works without environmental authorisation.
ERA granted an environmental permit for the remaining works subject to a bank guarantee of €174,000 and condition to plant 675 trees as a compensation.