Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi announces the launch of further cut-off dates until end June 2021 for the submission of applications under the Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes:
- Start-up Investment Grant Scheme
- SME Diversification and Innovation Grant Scheme
- SME Internationalisation Grant Scheme
- SME Consultancy Services Grant Scheme
- e-Commerce Grant Scheme
Parliamenary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi explained that about €51 million in European funds are allocated for these schemes so that enterprises are provided with the assistance they need. The Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes initiative through the mentioned schemes assists enterprises to maximise their investment and growth potential, and to increase competitiveness. Interested applicants may seek services to develop their business plan relating to future investments under the SME Consultancy Services Grant Scheme. Business plans may then be utilised to support applications under any of the Investment Grant Schemes, namely the Start-up Investment Grant Scheme, and the SME Diversification and Innovation Grant Scheme. These schemes support enterprises in their start-up initiatives, to implement growth strategies, to diversify their business activity or to innovate operations with the intention of securing business growth and stability.
E-commerce has become an even more important tool following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Enterprises who do not as yet provide services/products for sale online through a payment gateway should strongly consider increasing their market share through the integration of online shopping in their business activities. Such an activity aimed at generating further sales for the enterprise may be supported under the e-Commerce Grant Scheme.
Parliamentary Secretary Zrinzo Azzopardi acknowledges the success of these grant schemes further to the launch of the initiative in 2016 and encourages enterprises to continue submitting good quality project proposals to seek support for the investment they are planning to undertake. This should then ideally result in the creation of new employment and further economic growth. The Parliamentary Secretary notes that the government is committed to support enterprises, especially in these telling times, and the extended implementation period of these grant schemes is proof of this.
The cut-off dates being announced range between October 2020 and end June 2021. A complete list of these cut-off dates may be accessed from https://businessenhance.gov.mt/ContentPage.aspx?tE0CdQZCR0IVU2+UdJooPWlzUtrTxHHq.
These Grant Schemes are financed under Operational Programme I Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 – ‘Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges’ – with a co-financing rate of 80% (ERDF) and 20% (National Funds).
The Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes are administered and managed by the Measures and Support Division within the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs. For further information on these calls one may contact this Division on msd.mfea@gov.mt or 2295 7110.