FinanceMalta has launched a survey among local financial services firms, both members of FinanceMalta and others, with a view to understanding how member firms and other practitioners view FinanceMalta.
The objective of the survey is to also understand the views of practitioners as to how FinanceMalta can improve its services and communications to, and with, the industry.
“This survey is very important to us and to the financial services community in general and the participation of members and non-members will help us improve our contribution to the financial services community in general. We thank in advance all those who take part in this survey,” said Ivan Grech, Chief Operations Officer of FinanceMalta.
Questions cover aspects of the work that FinanceMalta does, as well as requesting feedback on the way the organization communicates, especially through its recently launched website, as well as its social media platforms. It also asks questions and values feedback about the events that FinanceMalta organises.
The survey is a short one and takes less than six minutes to complete. Both members of FinanceMalta and all other financial services practitioners can participate, and all replies are strictly confidential and respondents will remain anonymous.
Members of FinanceMalta can access the survey by clicking on https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VYZHBPW. The survey for non-members is available via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FTJY7MX
The deadline for the survey is 31st May 2020.
FinanceMalta is the public-private initiative set up to promote Malta as an International Financial Centre.