Women need to be celebrated every day, and not just on Women’s Day, Lydia Abela, wife of Prime Minister, in an activity that brought to an end the initiative named MARA, which served to recognise the contributions made by women to society.
“This celebration also tells us today about the altruistic values that define Maltese women,” she said. “Although the stories we experienced today were different, there is a common thing among you women: you look out for each other’s needs and believe in each other, often before yourselves.” She explained how Malta needs to focus more on the importance of women’s independence.
Precisely a month before the 8 March, Abela had launched the Mara Award 2023/2024. A woman from each locality was awarded during the activity held Friday.

“Women are capable, and filled with talent. That talent is never given up, because to love others, you have to love yourselves first. Perhaps if it weren’t for this award, the great opportunity would be for these stories to remain hidden. MARA’s aim was to make these stories shine,” concluded the Prime Minister’s wife.
Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli explained that International Women’s Day is a day in the year where emphasis is placed on the importance of equality and highlighted the contribution made by local councils to recognize women from localities across Malta and Gozo for their work and the positive effect they have had on their respective communities.Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms and Equality Rebecca Buttigieg said that the women honoured with this award are just one example among many Maltese women who are making a positive contribution to our communities to continue making Malta better and more equal and inclusive.