Remote access to 15 pontoons in the Ta’ Xbiex and Msida marinas is now also controlled by a bespoke Gate Management System supplied by HandsOn Systems.
HandsOn Systems product manager Luke Muscat explained that a dual SIM device has been installed at each gate, one that is transmitting data to the cloud and a voice SIM with a unique mobile number, which those who want to access a particular pontoon may call to gain access.
“Apart from retaining the date, time and number that has called the gate, the system can be set to give or reject access outside certain hours. It can grant access on weekdays only, or full access from Monday to Sunday,” Muscat said.
“The benefit is that yacht owners do not need to go with their fob to the gate to open it. They can open the gate from the comfort of their boat.”
According to Creek Developments plc general manager Sarah Gauci Carlton, the operators are pleased with the added functionality of the Gate Management System.
“This is an additional layer of comfort and service to the marina users and our clients, which is state-of-the-art,” she said.
Creek Developments was established in 2010 and has been operating the marina since 2 January 2011. It is a fully serviced marina that can accommodate 720 yachts and pleasure vessels of up to 22m in length with all the comforts one would expect.
HandsOn Systems’ Gate Management System has also been installed in various schools and industrial areas. The system can be applied to any door, garage or barrier that needs to be accessed remotely via a phone and monitored through a cloud-based IoT system. More information can be found at www.handsonsystems.com.