Malta Enterprise is committed to attract more German companies to Malta through a new synergy with a major German SME Business Network which has recently launched its local chapter.
The Maltese office of the Federal Association of SMEs BVMW Auslandsburo was inaugurated last week through an official ceremony as part of a visit to Malta by a German business delegation.

The organisation is one of Germany’s largest Business Networks with over 300 branches.
At the opening of the offices, Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia thanked the BVMW Board for their commitment to Malta and assured those present that Malta Enterprise will continue assisting in all means possible value-adding businesses that are planning to start a productive operation locally.

The official ceremony was also addressed by German Deputy Head of Mission to Malta Mr Elmar Udo Kohlhofer.
Alfons Schwarte, who is leading the Malta chapter of the association, hailed the importance of the presence of this entity in Malta and saw this as an opportunity for more German businesses to set up shop here.
In the following days members of BMVW, visited the Malta LifeSciences Park in San Ġwann – a business hub for lifesciences and the digital industry run by Malta Enterprise.

During their visit, Ms. Marion Zammit – Malta Enterprise’s Head of Investment Promotion, explained the role of Malta Enterprise as the Government’s agency responsible for driving and sustaining economic growth.
The delegates also enjoyed a tour of the LifeSciences Park and a visit to Seifert, a German company manufacturing industrial thermal management systems.