Student enrolments in post-secondary and tertiary institutions during academic year 2021-2022 increased by 2.5 per cent over the preceding academic year, totalling 28,645, the NSO said Tuesday.
The number of students enrolled in post-secondary levels stood at 9,610, whilst 19,035 were enrolled in tertiary education. Males outnumbered females in post-secondary education by 1.3 percentage points, whilst there were more females enrolled in tertiary education than males by 16.1 percentage points.
Post-secondary students
Post-secondary students enrolled in sixth forms and other post-secondary institutions totalled 9,610 during academic year 2021-2022, an increase of less than 0.1 per cent over the previous academic year. This reference year saw more males than females enrolled at post-secondary level, as opposed to the previous two scholastic years.
The largest proportion of post-secondary students were aged under 20 years (88.9 per cent). Foreign students enrolled in such institutions amounted to 1,160, accounting for 12.1 per cent of the total students enrolled at post-secondary level.
The share of 16-17-year-old students enrolled at post-secondary level accounted for 75.6 per cent of the 16–17-year-old resident population. The share of the 16–17-year-old female population enrolled at post-secondary level was higher than the share of males by 7.3 percentage points.
The vast majority of students at post-secondary level were enrolled in state-run institutions (86.2 per cent). Slightly more than half of the students were enrolled in courses or programmes of vocational study orientation (51.6 per cent) (Table 4). The most popular field of study among students following a vocational programme was ‘Services’ (26.1 per cent), followed by students enrolled in programmes related to the fields ‘Engineering, manufacturing and construction’ (16.3 per cent) and ‘Health and welfare’ (14.7 per cent).More information here