Von der Heyden Group and its subsidiaries Von der Heyden Yachting, Cugó Gran, and Hammett’s Collection joined forces with Camper & Nicholson’s Grand Harbour Marina for World Clean-up Day, covering the iconic marina in the three cities and around fort St. Angelo.

The entities participated in the global initiative that unites millions of volunteers, governments, and organisations in 191 countries to tackle the global waste problem and build a sustainable world. The teams cleaned the foreshore of Birgu, collecting over 50 bags of debris, micro-plastics, cigarette butts, and trash from around the marina on land and at sea that would have otherwise polluted the Grand Harbour’s seabed.

“We are very proud and grateful to our business and local community that helped tackle the global waste crisis in this majestic location. Such initiatives aren’t just about a clean-up but help raise awareness of the importance of a clean environment and how this is vital to a community’s livelihood in all imaginable aspects,” commented Anuschka von der Heyden, Head of Sustainability.