One of Malta’s leading science companies has welcomed two international partners to Malta for an conference on forensic DNA analysis.
Evolve, based in Luqa, took part in the 24th edition of the European Forensic DNA Working Group meeting in St Julian’s.
US-based Promega, which provides solutions for forensic labs in the analysis of DNA samples, and Forensic Access, one of the top forensic science companies in the UK, were among the participants at the three-day seminar.

Members of the Evolve team and a number of customers also attended the event, including forensic scientists from the Malta Police, experts from the University of Malta and staff from the Forensic Pathology Department at Mater Dei Hospital.
Forensic DNA analysis has played a crucial role in the investigation and resolution of thousands of crimes since the late 1980s.
The meeting provided attendees with an opportunity to network with colleagues in the DNA forensics community as well as learning about the latest technology in the forensic market, including DNA isolation, quantification, DNA profiling for criminal cases and other types of forensic uses.
The seminar, which was addressed by some of the world’s leading forensics experts, also covered areas such as quality control, DNA databases, automation and expert systems.

Evolve Chief Visionary Officer Christopher Busuttil Delbridge said the event served as a good opportunity to catch up in-person with customers and partners and well as establishing new connections.
He added: “Nothing beats a real get-together. The conference programme brought the DNA laboratory of tomorrow to life and allowed us to exchange know-how, experience and ideas.”
The conference, held at the Corinthia St George’s Bay, agreed a number of aims:
- Promote quality management systems and the development of best practices.
- Develop uniform guidelines which members can conform to and achieve.
- Exchange information and expertise.
- Collaborate with regard to the reporting and interpretation of DNA evidence and develop, improve the interpretation of DNA analyses.
- Promote and collaborate with research activities amongst members and together with industry and academic partners.
- Support colleagues by providing education and training.
- Assess the need and create pan-European intelligence/knowledge databases.
- Implement and disseminate newly developed methods.
- Support the organization of collaborative exercises in all aspects of forensic DNA casework, aiming to harmonize procedures within European laboratories.